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Sheviis 3:1-2

Sheviis 3:1

From when in the sabbatical year may manure be taken out for use as fertilizer in the eighth year? Rabbi Meir says from the time when those who work their fields (either non-Jews or Jews who do not observe the laws of shemittah) stop working for the season. Rabbi Yehuda says when the manure has dried up. Rabbi Yehuda says when it becomes knotted.

Sheviis 3:2

How much manure can be stockpiled for use as fertilizer in the eighth year? In a beis seah (a plot of land whose area is 2,500 square cubits), one may stockpile up to three heaps, each of which contains at least the volume of ten baskets measuring a lesech each. (A lesech is about 110 liters, so each heap is about 1,100 liters or 290 gallons.) One may increase the number of baskets in each heap but not the number of heaps in the field. Rabbi Shimon says that one may even increase the number of heaps.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz