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Sheviis 2:7-8

Sheviis 2:7

Rice, millet, poppies and sesame that took root before Rosh Hashana (i.e., in the sixth year) are tithed as produce of the sixth year and they are permitted in the sabbatical year. If they did not take root in the sixth year, they are forbidden in the sabbatical year and tithed in the eighth year.

Sheviis 2:8

Rabbi Shimon Shezuri says that if Egyptian beans were planted as a source of seed, the rule is the same as for rice and the other crops in the previous mishna. Rabbi Shimon says this is also the rule for large beans. Rabbi Elazar says we only count large beans as produce of the previous year if their pods formed before Rosh Hashana.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz