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Sheviis 2:1-2

Sheviis 2:1

In the sixth year of the sabbatical cycle, a field of grain or legumes may be plowed until the moisture dries up, which is as long as people plow for cucumbers and gourds. Rabbi Shimon objects because this would make the time different for each person! Rather, one can plow such a field until Pesach and an orchard until Shavuos.

Sheviis 2:2

Fields of cucumbers and gourds, as well as irrigated fields, may be fertilized and hoed until Rosh Hashana of the sabbatical year. One may remove the bad parts of trees, remove excess leaves, cover exposed roots and spray pests until Rosh Hashana. Rabbi Shimon says that a person may even pluck a leaf from a cluster of grapes in the sabbatical year itself.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz