374. A Kohein Who's Just Not Such a Great Guy

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 15:6

If a kohein does not have any of the disqualifications discussed in Halachos 15:1-5, then he should duchen even if he is not a scholar or particularly scrupulous in his observance. He should duchen even if people gossip about him or if his business dealings are unethical. He should not be prevented from duchening because doing so is an obligation for every kohein who is able to do so; we do not tell a bad person to become worse by refraining from mitzvos.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 15:7

Do not wonder what benefit there might be from the blessing of a simple person because the acceptance of the blessings depends on God, not on the kohanim. Numbers 6:27 says, “They will set My Name upon the children of Israel and I will bless them.” The kohanim fulfill the mitzvah as they were commanded and God blesses Israel.