372. A Kohein Who Killed

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 15:2

Physical defects includes kohanim with blemishes of the face, hands, or feet, such as fingers that are bent, crooked, or covered with white spots. These things will distract the congregation. A kohein who drools when he speaks or who is blind in one eye should not duchen. However, if a kohein with such a defect is well-known in his city and everyone is familiar with him, he may  duchen because he will not distract the congregation. Similarly, if a kohein’s hands were dyed purple or red, he should not duchen. If most of the city’s population is involved in a profession that dyes the hands in this way, it is permitted because he will not distract the congregation.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 15:3

Sins means that a kohein who killed someone may not duchen, even if he repents. This is derived from Isaiah 1:15, “When you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you…(because) Your hands are full of blood.” If a kohein worshipped idols, even if he did so under compulsion or inadvertently, he may never duchen, even if he repents. This is derived from II Kings 23:9, “the priests of the high places shall not ascend to the altar of God in Jerusalem.” Duchening is compared to performing the Temple service as per Deuteronomy 10:8, “to minister unto Him and to bless in His name.” Similarly, a kohein who converted to another religion may never duchen, even if he repents. Other sins do not prevent a kohein from duchening.