371. Kohanim Who May Not Duchen

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 14:14

In the Temple, the priestly blessing was recited daily, after the morning sacrifice. The kohanim stood on the steps to the Temple hall and recited the blessing as described above. Outside the Temple, it is recited after every prayer service except for mincha, as we have discussed. (Editor’s note: this does not reflect our practice.) In all places, we try to ensure that the one prompting the kohanim should be an Israelite. This is suggested by Numbers 6:23, “Say to them…,” which implies that the one prompting the kohanim is not one of them.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 15:1

Six things prevent a kohein from duchening: inability to enunciate, certain physical defects, sins, immaturity, intoxication, and the ritual impurity of his hands. Inability to enunciate means that the kohein cannot pronounce the letters properly, such as pronouncing an alef like an ayin or vice versa, or pronouncing shibboles like sibboles, etc. The same applies for a kohein who stutters or who speaks unclearly.