368. Duchening in the Temple

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 14:8

If only one kohein is blessing the people, he should start reciting the bracha on his own. Then the shaliach tzibbur prompts him a word at a time as per usual. If there are two or more kohanim, they do not recite the bracha until the shaliach tzibbur calls them by saying “Kohanim.” They answer and say Y'varechecha, then he prompts them as we have discussed.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 14:9

In the Temple, birkas kohanim is recited as follows: The kohanim ascend the platform after completing the service of the daily morning sacrifice. They would all raise their hands above their heads with their fingers extended except the Kohein Gadol, who would not raise his hands above the tzitz (the gold plate on his turban). One person would prompt the kohanim, a word at a time, the same way we do outside the Temple, until they completed the three verses. The congregation did not respond amen after each verse. Rather, birkas kohanim was recited as a single blessing. When the kohanim finished, the people responded, “Blessed be Hashem, God, the God of Israel, from world to world.”