Jewish Time and Sweet Waters

Significance of time demarcations in Torah.  The Pesach Seder, the Haggadah and Judaism’s radical concept of time.  Parallels within mourning forthe churban Bais HaMikdash: Living the ancient experience right now.  Discussionof becoming reborn in one’s conceptions and appreciations for life and Torah.  Insight into teshuva based on Hashem's perspective of time. Insight intoAvshalom's rebellion against Dovid HaMelech through the prism of "mayimgnuvim."   Every aveirah done to show that one is not under Hashem's control is achillul HaSheym, even if done in private. Torah psychology of mayim gnuvim.

Citations: In addition to the commentaries on Mishlei, this shiur cites the GemaraYoma 71a with Rashi and Maharsha Chidushei Aggados, and Rambam HilchosYesodei HaTorah 5:10