Can Judges Disregard Testimony?

 Giving advice and giving psak halachah.  Different understandings of Ain l’dayan ela ma she-aynav ro’os. Is the repermission to err when trying hard?  Is there justification to reject afalsified case, even without proof? Importance of dayanim ignoring the baalei dinim’s outside track record of honesty.

Citations: Aside from the commentaries on Mishlei, this shiur citesRambam Hilchos Sanhedrin 23:8-10, Teshuvos HaRosh klal 107, 6thsiman, Gemara Baba Basra 8b with Maharsha, Chasam Sofer onShabbos 10a, and Tosfos Yom Tov on Maseches Pe’ah Chapter 8.