356. The Torah Readings for Shavuos and Rosh Hashana

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 13:9

On Shavuos, we read “Seven weeks…” (Deuteronomy 16), though the common practice is to read “In the third month” (Exodus 19) on the first day. The haftarah is the chariot from Ezekiel 1. On the second day, “Every firstborn” (Deuteronomy 15) is read with Habakkuk 3 as the haftarah.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 13:10

On Rosh Hashana, we read “In the seventh month, on the first of the month...” (Numbers 29), though it has become the practice to read “Hashem remembered Sarah (Genesis 21) with “There was a man…” (I Samuel 1) as the haftarah. On the second day, we read “God tested Avraham” (Genesis 22), with “Is Ephraim a favorite child” (Jeremiah 31) as the haftarah.