350. The Order of the Service

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 12:21

At mincha on Shabbos and Yom Kippur, after the shaliach tzibbur finishes Ashrei and u’Va l’Tziyon, he recites kaddish and removes the Torah from the aron. The people receiving aliyos are called, after which the Torah is returned. Kaddish is recited, followed by the Amidah. Similarly, on fast days, the Torah is read before davening the mincha Shemoneh Esrei. Afterwards, kaddish is recited, followed by the Shemoneh Esrei. The practice is not to read the Torah at mincha on yom tov.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 12:22

When the Torah is read on a day without musaf, the shaliach tzibbur recites kaddish after the morning Shemoneh Esrei, and then removes the Torah from the aron. The Torah is read and returned, followed by Ashrei and u’Va l’Tziyon, as are recited every day. This is followed by kaddish, then everyone departs.