349. No Kohein; No Levi

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 12:19

If no kohein is present, a Yisroel is called to the Torah in his place; a Levi is not called after him. If no Levi is present, the kohein who received the first aliyah goes again, in the Levi’s place. Another kohein should not be called after him because the congregation might erroneously conclude that something was wrong with the first kohein, which is why he was replaced. Similarly, one Levi is not called after another Levi so that the congregation should not think that something is wrong with one of them.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 12:20

The order of prayer on days when the Torah is read is as follows: if it’s a day when musaf is recited, then after the shaliach tzibbur finishes shacharis, he recites kaddish and removes the Torah from the aron. He calls the people for aliyos one at a time, and they come up to read from the Torah. When they have finished, the Torah is returned to the aron, and kaddish is recited, followed by musaf. If there is both a haftarah and musaf, the practice is to recite kaddish before the one who will read the haftarah comes up for his aliyah. In some places, the practice is to recite kaddish after the person who reads the haftarah receives his aliyah.