347. Haftarah Brachos; the Number of Aliyos

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 12:15

The one reading the haftarah recites one bracha before it, that G-d chose the prophets. After the haftarah, he recites four brachos: “the God Who is faithful in all His words,” “the One Who builds Jerusalem,” “the Shield of David,” and a fourth bracha acknowledging the special nature of the day, as we do in Shemoneh Esrei. If Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbos, he mentions Rosh Chodesh in this bracha just as we do in Shemoneh Esrei.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 12:16

On Shabbos morning, seven people are called to the Torah. On Yom Kippur, six. On yomim tovim, five. The number of aliyos may not be decreased but it may be increased. On Rosh Chodesh and chol hamoed, four are called. On Shabbos and Yom Kippur at mincha, on Mondays and Thursdays all year long, on Chanukah and Purim at shacharis, and on fast days at shacharis and mincha, three are called. This number may neither be decreased nor increased.