346. Reading the Haftarah

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 12:13

The one who reads the haftarah must first be called to the Torah, even for just three verses. He repeats from the last aliyah that was read. He does not start reading the haftarah until the Torah has been rolled closed. The haftarah is not smaller than 21 verses but if the subject matter happens to be less than that, he need not add verses. If he reads only ten verses but the haftarah is publicly translated, that is sufficient even if it is not the entirety of the subject matter. When reading the haftarah, one person reads and two may translate. The reader may skip from one topic to another but he should not skip from one prophet to another, except among the twelve prophets whose prophecies constitute a single book. The reader may likewise not skip from the end of a book towards its beginning. When skipping, the reader should not pause longer than it takes the translator to finish translating.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 12:14

The one reading the haftarah may read three verses to the translator at a time, which the translator then translates. If the verses are distinct sections, then he must only read them to the translator one at a time.