316. U'va L'Tziyon, et al.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 9:4

During the repetition of Shemoneh Esrei, Kedusha is recited in the third bracha. When the prayer leader reaches Kedusha, the members of the congregation step forward to where they were standing during the silent Shemoneh Esrei. When the leader reaches Modim and bows, everyone else bows just a little and says, “We give thanks to You, Hashem, our God, God of all flesh, our Creator and Creator of all. We give blessings and thanks to Your great and holy Name because You have given us life and sustained us. May You continue to keep us alive and sustain us, and gather the exiled into the confines of Your sanctuary where we may keep Your laws, serve You in truth, and fulfill Your will with a perfect heart; we gratefully acknowledge You.” If a person recites the word “modim” twice (which suggests the existence of two powers), he should be silenced.


Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 9:5

After the repetition of Shemoneh Esrei, the leader and the congregation sit, “fall on their faces,” and bend over to recite Tachanun. Then, they sit up, raise their heads, and recite a portion of Tachanun while seated. Next, the prayer leader stands to recite kaddish again. The congregation answers as they did earlier. Still standing, the leader recites v’Hu Rachum and Tehillah l'David (i.e., Ashrei). The congregation recites together with him, seated. The leader recites U'va l'Tziyon with the order of Kedusha that it contains. The congregation responds “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh….” This Kedusha is also recited with its Aramaic paraphrase. The verses Vatisa’eini ruach and Hashem yimloch are likewise recited along with their Aramaic paraphrases. This was instituted so that the masses (who spoke Aramaic) would understand.