305. Pesukei d'Zimra

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 7:12

The Sages praised people who recite Psalms every day, from Psalm 145, “A song of praise by David...” through the end of the Book (i.e., Psalm 150). It has become the practice to read other verses both before and after them. The Sages instituted the bracha of Baruch She'amar at the beginning of these verses and the bracha of Yishtabach at the end of them. After reciting these verses, one recites Shema with its brachos.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 7:13

In some places, they recite the Song at the Sea (which we refer to as “the Shira,” Exodus 14:30-15:26) every day after Yishtabach, followed by the brachos for Shema. In other places, they recite the song of Ha'azinu (Deuteronomy 32:1-43). There are also those who recite both of these. Everything depends on one’s own custom.