282. Bodily Cleanliness During Tefillah

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 4:10

Things that might agitate and distract a person (in 4:1) is as follows: A person who needs to use the restroom should not daven. If he does, his prayer is considered an abomination and he must daven again after he uses the restroom. If a person can wait to use the restroom for the amount of time that it takes to walk a parsang (about 3.5 miles), his prayer is considered valid. Nevertheless, one should not daven until he has checked his bodily needs, and also gotten rid of and phlegm, mucus or other physical by-products that require removal.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 4:11

If a person intentionally belches, yawns or sneezes during davening, it is insulting. If he properly checked his needs before davening and these bodily functions just happened, then they make no difference. If saliva comes out while davening, he should wipe his mouth. If he is not able to do this, he may throw it behind him by hand so that it won’t bother and distract him from his davening. If one accidentally breaks wind during davening, he should wait until it passes and then continue davening.