276. Compensatory Prayers

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 3:9

Let’s say a person makes a mistake and neglects to daven shacharis before half the day passes. In such a case, he should daven the mincha Shemoneh Esrei twice; the first is the regular mincha and the second is compensation for the missed shacharis. If a person makes a mistake and neglects to daven mincha before sunset, he should daven the maariv Shemoneh Esrei twice; the first is the regular maariv and the second makes up for the missed mincha. If one errs and neglects to daven maariv before dawn, he should daven the shacharis Shemoneh Esrei twice; the first is the regular shacharis and the second makes up for the missed maariv.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 3:10

If a person makes a mistake and neglects to daven two consecutive prayer services, he can only make for the most recent of them. For example, if he missed shacharis and mincha, he should daven maariv twice; the first is the regular maariv and the second makes up for the missed mincha. In this case, he cannot make up for shacharis because the time for its compensatory prayer has already passed. This is also true for the other prayer services.