271. The Ten Days of Repentance

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 2:18

Throughout the year, one concludes the third bracha with Ha(k)Eil HaHadosh (“the Holy God”) and the eleventh bracha with Melech Oheiv tzedaka u’mishpat (“King Who loves righteousness and justice”). During the ten days from Rosh Hashana through Yom Kippur, the third bracha is concluded HaMelech HaKadosh (“the Holy King”) and the eleventh bracha is concluded “HaMelech hamishpat (“the King of Justice”).

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 2:19

Some places have the practice during these ten days to add zachreinu l’chaim (“remember us for life”) to the first bracha and Mi kamocha Av harachamim (“Who is like You, Father of mercy") to the second bracha. In the bracha of Modim they add z’chor rachamecha (“remember Your mercy”) and in the last bracha they add b’sefer chaim (“in the book of life”). During these ten days, there are also those who add u’b’chein tein pachd’cha (“accordingly, place awe of You”) in the third bracha. Doing this is the commonly-accepted practice on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.