270. The Request for Rain

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 2:16

We start asking for rain in the bracha of prosperity starting on the seventh day of the month of Marcheshvan. This continues as long as we mention the rain (i.e., until Pesach). This is the practice in Israel; elsewhere, one starts asking for rain 60 days after the autumnal equinox.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 2:17

In places that require rain in the summer, they start asking for rain when they need it, in the bracha of Shomei’ah tefillah (that God hears prayer). Even in places where yom tov is observed for two days, Morid hageshem (that God causes the rain to fall) is recited in musaf on the first day of Shemini Atzeres (as opposed to the second day, which we call Simchas Torah).