269. Aneinu

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 2:14                                     

On fast days, an individual who is fasting adds the prayer Aneinu (“Answer us...”) in the bracha of Shomei’ah Tefillah (that God hears prayer). The leader of the service recites it as a separate bracha in between Go’eil Yisroel (that God redeems Israel) and Rofeih… (that God heals). This bracha concludes with haOneh b’eis tzara, that God answers in times of trouble. Thus, the leader recites 20 brachos. On Tisha b’Av, one adds Rachem (“Have mercy…”) to the bracha of Boneh Yerushalayim (that God who rebuilds Jerusalem).

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 2:15

In the winter months, the phrase Morid hageshem (that God causes the rain to fall) is recited in the second bracha. In the summer months, Morid hatal (that God causes the dew to fall) is said. Morid hageshem is said from musaf on the last day of Succos until shacharis on the first day of Pesach. Then, from musaf of the first day of Pesach, one says Morid hatal.