267. Ya'aleh v'Yavo

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 2:10

On Rosh Chodesh and chol hamoed (the intermediate days of a Festival), one recites 19 brachos at maariv, shacharis, and mincha, as per usual. In the blessing of Avodah, one adds the prayer “Ya’aleh v’yavo.” In the musaf prayer of chol hamoed, one recites the same musaf as on yom tov. On Rosh Chodesh, one recites seven brachos: the usual first three and last three, plus a middle bracha that discusses the Rosh Chodesh sacrifice. This bracha concludes that God “sanctifies Israel and Roshei Chodashim” (the plural of Rosh Chodesh).

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 2:11

On Shabbos of chol hamoed, and on a Rosh Chodesh that falls on Shabbos, one recites the usual seven brachos in maariv, shacharis and mincha, as one does on every Shabbos. “Ya’aleh v’yavo” is added to the bracha of Avodah. In musaf, one starts and ends the intermediate bracha with references to Shabbos, mentioning the nature of the day in the middle. On Rosh Chodesh, one concludes that God “sanctifies Shabbos, Israel and Roshei Chodashim.” On chol hamoed, one concludes the bracha with the same text that is used when yom tov falls on Shabbos.