266. Introductory and Concluding Phrases

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 2:8

Musaf of Yom Kippur has seven brachos except in the Jubilee year, in which case nine brachos are recited, the same as on Rosh Hashana. In fact, they are exactly the same brachos. This is only the case when the Jubilee year is observed.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 2:9

Before the first bracha of every Amidah, one recites the verse, “Hashem, open my lips and my mouth will utter Your praises” (Psalms 51:17). Upon finishing the Amidah, one recites, “May the utterances of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing before You, Hashem, my Rock and my Redeemer” (Psalms 19:15), after which he steps backwards.