Shemoneh Esrei 44: G-d Who Hears Prayers

כי א-ל שומע תפלות ותחנונים אתה

For G-d Who hears prayers and supplications are You

Tefilah – especially the Shemoneh Esrei – and Shabbos have much in common.  We prepare for both through various means, including (but not limited to) washing (hands for tefilah, body for Shabbos), sitting before we begin with koved rosh (contemplating and focusing on what we are about to be engaged in), and donning special clothing (talis for tefilah and Shabbos clothing for Shabbos).

What special bond is common to tefilah and Shabbos that each requires so much preparation?  Both tefilah (Shemoneh Esrei in particular) and Shabbos represent times when we feel the presence of Hashem more intensely.  Shabbos is a day that we spend with Hashem.  He is our special guest; all of our Erev Shabbos preparations, of which every action is an independent mitzvah (different from preparation for almost all other mitzvos that are not independent mitzvos), are focused on the arrival of our Father, our King, with Whom we will be spending 25 enjoyable and serene hours over Shabbos.  We feel the presence of Hashem in a much more powerful and tangible way on Shabbos than during the rest of the week.

The same is true during our Shemoneh Esrei, as we approach Hashem and stand in His presence.  As we have mentioned in the past, there are specific halachos that are based on, and reflect, this reality that we are actually in the presence of Hashem (for example, not walking in front of one while he is davening Shemoneh Esrei).  Therefore, both Shabbos and tefilah require special preparation in advance of our rendezvous with the Sh’chinah.

[The connection of Shabbos and tefilah is mentioned in sefer Matnas Chayim on Shabbos, by HaRav Matisyahu Salomon, and heard from Rav Yonason Sacks and Rabbi Shalom Rosner in the name of HaRav Soloveitchik.]

In order to enhance our sensitivity to feeling the presence of Hashem in tefilah, we present three quotes relating to Hashem shomei’a (Hashem hears):

כאדם המשיח באוזן חברו והוא שומע. וכי יש לך א-לוה קרוב מזה, שהוא קרוב לבריותיו כפה לאוזן?  [ירושלמי ברכות פרק ט' הלכה א', דף ס"ג ע"א]

…as a person who converses into the ears of his friend who is listening.  Can G-d be closer than this, that He is as close to his creations as a mouth is close to the ear?  [Talmud Yerushalmi B’rachos]

אמנם מי שהוא בעל שכל נכון, במעט התבוננות ושימת לב יוכל לקבוע בלבו אמתת הדבר איך הוא בא ונושא ונותן ממש עמו יתברך, ולפניו הוא מתחנן, ומאתו הוא מבקש, והוא יתברך שמו מאזין לו מקשיב לדבריו כאשר ידבר איש אל רעהו, ורעהו מקשיב ושומע אליו.  [ס' מסילת ישרים, חלקי החסידות]

However, one who is possessed of sound intelligence will, with a little thought and attention, be able to implant in his heart the truth of his actually communicating with the Blessed One, of imploring Him and entreating Him and being heard and listened to by the Blessed One in the same way that a man, speaking to his friend, is heard and listened to by him.  [sefer Mesilas Yesharim]

עבודה נאצלה בתפלה, לצייר כמו חי איך שהקדוש ברוך הוא שומע את שיח שפתותינו, ומאזין הגיון הלב.  [אגרות חזון איש]

Tefilah is a noble service, painting a vivid image how Hashem listens to the discourse of our lips, and listens to the reasoning of the heart.  [Igros Chazon Ish]