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Yadayim 1:3-4

Yadayim 1:3

Regarding water that became unfit for animals to drink, if it’s in a vessel, it’s invalid for washing hands; if it’s on the ground, it’s valid. If dye, resin or vitriol (copper sulfate) fell into water and it changed color, it’s invalid. If a person performed any work with it, or if he soaked his bread in it, it’s invalid. Shimon HaTimni says that if one intended to soak his bread in one vessel of water and it fell into a different vessel, the water remains valid.

Yadayim 1:4

If one cleansed utensils using the water, or if he scrubbed measures with it, it’s invalid. If he used it to rinse vessels that had already been rinsed or new vessels, it remains valid. Rabbi Yosi rules the water invalid in the case of new utensils.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz