255. Pallbearers, Eulogies and Shema

Kriyas Shema 4:4

A body should not be taken out to be buried too close to the time for reciting Shema unless the deceased was a prestigious person. If they have not yet started to remove the deceased and the time to recite Shema arrives while they are escorting the body, anyone needed - meaning the pallbearers and those who would relieve them - are exempt from reciting Shema. Those not needed to carry the coffin remain obligated in reciting Shema.

Kriyas Shema 4:5

If they are involved in the eulogies when the time to recite Shema arrives, if they are in the presence of the deceased they should excuse themselves individually in order to say Shema and then return. If the deceased is not there, everyone should say Shema except for the mourners. They remain silent because they are exempt from mitzvos – including Shema - until the deceased is buried.