253. Sharing a Bed with One's Child

Kriyas Shema 3:19

For purposes of this law (in 3:18) a boy is a child until the age of 12 years and one day; a girl is a child until the age of 11 years and one day. This is when they start to show signs of physical maturation (pubic hair, breasts in girls). Once this happens, one may not recite Shema unless he has separates himself from them with the sheet. However, if they have not yet developed signs of physical maturation, he may still recite Shema while in contact with them. In such a case, he need not separate himself from them until the boy is 13 years and one day old, and the girl is 12 years and one day old.

Kriyas Shema 4:1

Women, slaves and children are exempt from reciting Shema. Children should be taught to recite Shema at the proper time with the blessings before and after it. This is in order to educate them in mitzvos. If a person is nervous and preoccupied about a mitzvah, he is exempt from all positive mitzvos, including Shema. (Formerly,) the groom of a virgin bride (was) exempt from Shema until he consummated the marriage because of his anxiety. If he delayed consummating the marriage until Saturday night following the wedding, he is once again obligated in reciting Shema since his mind has settled.