251. Shema in the Presence of Nudity

Kriyas Shema 3:15

A person may continue reciting Shema if a doubt arises as to whether or not there is excrement or urine in the room. This is not the case if one is reciting Shema in a garbage dump. If a doubt arises in such a situation, he must stop and check that there is no excrement. This is because a garbage dump has no presumption of cleanliness. However, this is only so if a doubt of excrement arises. If a doubt arises as to the presence of urine, he may continue saying Shema even in a garbage dump.

Kriyas Shema 3:16

Just as one may not recite Shema in the presence of excrement until he distances himself from it, Shema may also not be recited in the presence of nudity unless one turns his face away from it. This applies equally to the nudity of a non-Jew or a child. Even if a glass wall separates one from the nudity, he must turn away in order to recite Shema since it is still visible. Any part of a woman's body is considered private vis-à-vis a man. Therefore, a man should not stare at any woman - not even his wife - while reciting Shema. If even a handbreadth of a woman’s body is uncovered, a man should not recite Shema while facing her.