248. Separation from Uncleanliness

Kriyas Shema 3:9

The rules of distancing oneself from excrement and urine (in 3:8) apply when one is in a building with them and they are on the same level. If the offensive matter is 10 handbreadths higher or lower, then one may recite the Shema opposite them since there is an intervening space. This, however, applies in a case where no foul odor reaches him. Similarly, if a person covered the excrement or the urine with a utensil, it would be considered as buried even though it is still in the room and one would permitted to recite Shema near it.

Kriyas Shema 3:10

If a person is separated from excrement by a glass wall, he may recite Shema opposite them even though he can still see them. If one bathroom visit’s worth of urine is diluted with a reviis worth of water (about 3.3 ounces, though opinions vary), Shema may be recited within four cubits of it (about six feet).