241. Pausing, Half-Asleep, Unsure if Recited

Kriyas Shema 2:12

If one pauses during his recitation of the Shema, he fulfills his obligation. This is true even if he paused long enough that he could have recited the entire Shema; this is only the case if he recited it in order. If a person recited Shema while he was half-asleep, he fulfills his obligation so long as he was wide awake when he recited the first verse.

Kriyas Shema 2:13

If a person is unsure whether or not he recited Shema, he should recite it, including the brachos before and after. If he knows for a fact that he recited Shema but he is unsure whether or not he recited the brachos, he need not repeat the brachos. If a person made a mistake in his recitation of the Shema, he goes back to the place where he made the mistake. If one gets confused and forgets which section of Shema he just completed, he returns to the first section.