Zavim 2:3-4
Zavim 2:3
One who experienced a seminal emission isn’t rendered unclean by a zav emission for 24 hours; Rabbi Yose says just that day. If a non-Jew had a seminal emission and converted, he’s immediately subject to being rendered unclean as a zav. (Other halachos involving 24 hours:) Regarding a woman who discharged blood or who had a difficult labor, the time is 24 hours. If one strikes his servant, the “day or two” in the Torah is 24 hours. If a dog ate a corpse’s flesh, the flesh retains its status for three 24-hour periods.
Zavim 2:4
A zav renders what he lies on unclean in five ways, in order to render people and clothes unclean: by standing, sitting, lying, hanging and leaning. What he lies on renders a person unclean in seven ways, so that he then renders clothes unclean: by standing, sitting, lying, hanging, leaning, touching and carrying.