208. Other Sins

Teshuvah 3:13

Instilling fear on the community not for altruistic spiritual purposes refers to a person who rules over the community with a strong hand, causing them to fear him. Such a person’s only intention is his own honor; nothing he does is for God's honor.

Teshuvah 3:14

All the individuals listed in this chapter have no share in the Next World, even though they are Jewish. There are other sins that are less severe but the Sages said that one who commits them frequently will not receive a share in the Next World. These sins should therefore be carefully avoided: creating a disparaging nickname for another person or calling a person by that name; embarrassing another person in public; taking pride in another person’s shame; disgracing Torah scholars; disgracing one’s teachers; denigrating the holidays; profaning holy things.

If a person dies without repenting these sins, he will have no share in the Next World. However, if he repents from these evil things deeds and dies a baal teshuvah (penitent), he will earn a share in the Next World because nothing is stronger than teshuvah. Even if a person denies God for his entire life, if he repents in his last moment, he will earn a share in the Next World as per Isaiah 57:19, “Peace, peace, to those far and near, says God. I will heal him.” A sinner, an apostate, or anyone else who repents, whether publicly or privately, will be accepted as per Jeremiah 3:22, “Return, faithless children.” Even if one is faithless – as evidenced from the fact that he only repents in private – nevertheless, his teshuvah will be accepted.