Inertia, Yetzer and Freedom

The “external” yetzer hara aims to both entice us to violate transgressions and prevent us from fulfilling positive mitzvos. The tendency of mankind to inertia is the work of the most ingrained yetzer hara possible. The irony that the self-perception of one pursuing sensual gratification is of freedom, while in reality he is totally enslaved to a force within. Deeper than inertia, this is a channel for expression of a person’s most base desires.

People don’t want to be dictated to, even by Hashem. Endless instructions and restrictions in davening are an extreme of Hashem insisting on His way in the very channel of expression that we would have thought ought to allow for self-expression. Avodah she-ba-lev, implies that the relationship is so close Davka because we are commanded.   Conceptual parallel in the Pesach Seder night. Enslavement to Hashem at these moments bring freedom from our most base and selfish desires.

Laziness in learning today leads to inability to understand tomorrow, even with effort.