Machshirin 2:7-8
Machshirin 2:7
Let’s say that someone found an abandoned child. If most residents are non-Jewish, the child is assumed to be non-Jewish; if most are Jewish, the child is assumed to be Jewish. If the residents are 50/50, the child is assumed to be Jewish. Rabbi Yehuda says we don’t follow the majority of residents, we follow the majority of those who abandon children (which, historically, was non-Jews).
Machshirin 2:8
Let’s say that someone found a lost object. If most residents are non-Jewish, it need not be announced; if most are Jewish, he must announce it. If the residents are 50/50, he must announce it. If someone found bread, we proceed according to the majority of bakers. If the bread was made from fine flour, we proceed according to the majority of people who eat fine-flour bread. Rabbi Yehuda says that if one found coarse-flour bread, we proceed according to the majority of people who eat coarse-flour bread.