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Niddah 2:1-2

Niddah 2:1

Women are praised for frequently checking themselves, but men are criticized for it (because of self-stimulation). Regarding a congenitally deaf woman, a woman lacking mental faculties, a blind woman and a woman whose faculties were impaired by an illness, if they are attended to by women with all their faculties, their attendants prepare them and they may then eat trumah. The practice accepted by Jewish women when engaging in intimacy is to have two examination cloths – one for each of them to check after relations. Scrupulous women prepare a third cloth, to self-examine before relations.

Niddah 2:2

If they found blood on the man’s cloth, they are both ritually unclean and they must bring an offering. If blood is found on her cloth right away, they are unclean and must bring an offering; if it’s found after a span of time, they are unclean out of doubt and they need not bring an offering.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz