156. An Asheira Tree

Avodas Kochavim 7:11

It is prohibited to sit in the shade of an asheira tree’s trunk; this is true regardless of whether the tree itself is worshipped or whether an idol was placed under it. It is permitted to sit in the shade of an asheira’s branches and its leaves. If a person has another path to reach his destination, he is not permitted to pass under an asheira. If he has no other route, he may pass under the asheira but he must do so quickly.

Avodas Kochavim 7:12

If chicks that do not need their mother nest in an asheira, they are permitted; eggs and chicks that need their mother are prohibited. This is because the asheira is considered their base (and is therefore integral). A nest in an asheira is permitted because the birds build it with wood brought from other places.