154. Found Statues

Avodas Kochavim 7:7

Statues belonging to idolators that are found discarded in the marketplace or in a scrap heap are permitted. It goes without saying that this applies to fragments of such statues. On the other hand, if one finds a hand, foot, or other limb from a statue representing a star or a constellation, he is not permitted to derive benefit from it. Since he knows that it came from an image that is worshipped, the prohibition against benefit remains in effect until he knows that those who worshipped it have nullified its status as an idol.

Avodas Kochavim 7:8

Let’s say that someone finds objects that have the form of the sun, the moon, or a dragon on them. If they are made of gold, silver, or silk, or if these shapes were engraved on a nose ring or finger ring, they are prohibited. If these shapes were found on other things, they are permitted because we may then assume that they were made as mere decorations. We may likewise assume that any other shape found on an object was intended as a decoration, with the result that such objects are permitted.