147. The Service of Molech

Avodas Kochavim 6:3

One who willingly and intentionally gives some of his children to Molech is liable for the penalty of excision (kareis). If he acted inadvertently, he must bring a sin offering. If there were witnesses who warned him, he is liable to execution by stoning, as per Leviticus 20:2, “Whoever gives of his children to Molech must surely die. The people shall stone him.” The prohibition is found in Leviticus 18:20, “Do not give of your children to Molech.” Additionally, Deuteronomy 18:10 says, “There must not be found among you one who passes his son or daughter through fire” (which was the service of Molech).

The service of Molech was performed as follows: a person would light a large fire. He then took some of his children and handed them over to the priests of Molech. The priests would then return the child to the father, who would pass him through the fire. The father did the actual passing of the child through the fire, under the priests’ supervision. He would pass the child through the fire from one side to the other with his feet in the middle of the flames. The service of Molech did not involve cremation, as the service of some other idols did. If one performed this service for an idol other than Molech, he would not be liable.

Avodas Kochavim 6:4

One would not be liable for kareis or stoning unless he handed his child over to the priests of Molech and passed him through the fire carrying him. If he gave the child over but did not pass him through the fire, or if he passed him through the fire but did not give him over, or if he gave him over and passed him through the fire but did not carry him, he is not liable. He is also not liable unless he gave over some - but not all - of his children. This is because Leviticus 20:3 says, “He gave of his children to Molech,” meaning some of his children but not all of them.