145. Swearing in the Name of Idols

Avodas Kochavim 5:10

If a person makes a vow or an oath in the name of an idol, he is liable for the penalty of lashes, as per Exodus 23:13, “Do not mention the name of other gods.” This applies both to a Jew who does so for his own purposes and to one who does so for a non-Jew. We are not permitted to have non-Jews take oaths in the name of their gods; we may not even mention the name of other “gods” in a context other than oaths because the Torah says “Do not mention….”

Avodas Kochavim 5:11

One person may not tell another things like “Wait for me by a certain idol.” It is permitted to mention the names of idols that are mentioned in Tanach, such as Peor, Baal, Nevo, etc. One may not cause others to take oaths or make vows in the name of idols. If one does, only the one who swore in the name of an idol is liable for the penalty of lashes.