137. Other Cities' Property in a Condemned City

Avodas Kochavim 4:10

If property belonging to the residents of other cities was kept in a condemned city, it is not burned. Rather, it is returned to its owners. This is so even if residents of the condemned city took responsibility for the property, as per Deuteronomy 13:17, “its property.” Its property is condemned, not that belonging to others. If property belonging to the condemned was kept in other cities, then if it was gathered with the property of the condemned city, they are burned together. Otherwise, this property is not destroyed and is given to the heirs of the condemned.

Avodas Kochavim 4:11

If an animal belonging partly to a resident of the condemned city and partly to a resident of another city is found in the condemned city, it must be destroyed. If a loaf of bread is owned by partners in this manner, it remains permitted because it can be divided.