134. Cities That Can Never Be Condemned

Avodas Kochavim 4:4

A city of refuge could never become a condemned city as per Deuteronomy 13:13, “one of your cities.” Jerusalem likewise could never become a condemned city because it was not divided among the Tribes. A border city could not become a condemned city because then foreigners could try to invade Israel. One court should not condemn three cities located next to one another. If the cities are separated from one another, they may condemn them.

Avodas Kochavim 4:5

A city is not condemned unless the enticers addressed them in an inclusive plural, such as “Let us worship,” “Let us sacrifice,” “Let us bring an offering,” “Let us pour libations,” “Let us bow down,” or “Let us accept this as a deity.” The residents of the city must accept this advice and then worship the idol either through its normal method of worship or in one of the four ways reserved for God, or they must accept the idol as a deity. If all these conditions are not met, then warnings are made to each person who worships idols and testimony is made in court. If condemned, they are executed by stoning like regular individuals who worshipped idols and their property is given to their heirs.