104. Standing for and Serving One's Teacher

Talmud Torah 5:7

One is obligated to stand for his teacher from the time he sees him, no matter how far away that is, until the teacher passes and is no longer visible. At that point, the student may sit. One is obligated to visit his teacher on the festivals.

Talmud Torah 5:8

It is not proper to honor a student in the presence of his teacher unless the teacher is also accustomed to honor this student. Anything that a servant would do for his master should be done by a student for his teacher. In a place where the student is not recognized, when he’s not not wearing tefillin, if he is concerned that people will think he is a servant, then he need not put on or take off the teacher's shoes.

If a teacher prevents his student from serving him, he does him a disservice and reduces the student’s reverence for Heaven. Any student who is careless with his teacher’s honor causes God’s presence to depart.