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Tohoros 8:9-9:1

Tohoros 8:9

Rabbi Yehoshua says that if a stick is completely covered with a ritually-unclean liquid, it is purified as soon as it touches a mikvah; the Sages say that it is only purified once the whole thing has been immersed. A flow of liquid (i.e., poured from one vessel to another) liquid running down an incline and dripping liquid don’t act as a connective for impurity or for purity; pooled water serves as a connective for both impurity and purity.

Tohoros 9:1

Beis Shammai say that olives become susceptible to ritual impurity when they exude moisture in the vat but not moisture in the basket. Rabbi Shimon says that the time to exude this liquid is three days. Beis Hillel say that olives become susceptible to ritual impurity as soon as three of them have stuck together. Rabban Gamliel says they become susceptible as soon as their work is finished; the Sages agree with this position.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz