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Tohoros 4:12-13

Concluding the explanation of mishna 4:7.

Tohoros 4:12

“A doubt regarding non-sanctified food (chulin)” refers to conditions of ritual purity observed by the Pharisees. “A doubt regarding vermin” – as of the time they are found. “A doubt regarding negaim (tzaraas blemishes)” – it is ruled clean at the beginning, before the blemish has been ruled unclean; after the blemish has been ruled unclean, a case of doubt is ruled unclean. “A doubt regarding a nazirite vow” is permitted (i.e., not a nazir). “A doubt regarding firstborns” – whether it’s regarding human firstborns or animal firstborns, whether the firstborn is a non-kosher animal (i.e., a donkey) or a kosher animal. This is because the burden of proof is on the one who wants to take property from another (i.e., in a case of doubt, the burden of proof is on a kohein to prove than an animal or a baby is a firstborn, obligating the owner or parent to redeem it).

Tohoros 4:13

“A doubt regarding sacrifices” – if a woman has had five doubtful miscarriages or five doubtful discharges, she only brings one sacrifice, after which she may eat from other sacrifices with no obligation to bring any more of her own.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz