68. A Scholar's Comportment and Clothes

Deios 5:8

A Torah scholar should not walk fully erect with his head held high as in Isaiah 3:16, “They walked with outstretched necks and flashing eyes.” The scholar also should not walk toe-to-heel, like women and the arrogant men do, as Isaiah 3:16 continues, “walking and mincing as they go, making tinkling sounds with their feet.” The scholar should not run in public like a frenzied person, nor walk stooped over like a hunchback. Rather, he should look downward as one in prayer. He should walk in public like a person who has his mind on his business matters.

One can tell from the way a person carries himself whether he is a thoughtful and intelligent person or a witless fool. Therefore, King Solomon taught, “Also on the road, when a fool walks, his mind is lacking and he reveals to everyone that he is a fool” (Koheles 10:3).

Deios 5:9

A Torah scholar’s clothes should be neat and clean, without any stains. He should not wear the garments of kings, like clothes of gold and purple, which will attract attention. He should likewise not wear the clothes of paupers, which are disgraceful. He should just wear nice, moderate clothes.

The scholar’s flesh should not be visible through his clothes, as happens with the very sheer linen garments that are made in Egypt. His clothes should not drag on the ground like those of arrogant people. Rather, they should reach his heel, while his sleeves should reach the fingers. He should not let his cloak hang, as this appears arrogant, though he may do so on Shabbos if he has no other garment. In the summer, the scholar should not wear shoes that have been mended numerous times and have many patches. He may do so in the winter if his financial situation requires it.

The scholar may not go out in public wearing perfume, or with perfume on clothes or in his hair. He may, however, rub perfume on his body if he is doing so in order to remove dirt. He should not go out alone at night unless he has a scheduled time to study Torah. The reason for these rules is so that he should not be suspected of inappropriate activities.