64. A Torah Scholar's Habits

Deios 4:23

A Torah scholar is not permitted to live in a community that is lacking any of the following: a doctor, a bloodletter, a bathhouse, a restroom, a water source like a river or a spring, a shul, a teacher for schoolchildren, a scribe, a charity official, and a Jewish court (beis din) empowered to enforce their rulings.

Deios 5:1

Just as a Torah scholar is distinguished by his wisdom and his character traits, which set him apart from other people, he should also be distinguished by his deeds. This includes such things as eating, drinking, marital relations, using the facilities, speech, walking, dress, managing his resources, and conducting his business. All of his deeds in these areas should be befitting of his station. This means that a Torah scholar may not be a glutton. Rather, he should only eat food that will keep his body healthy, and he should not eat too much. He should not try to fill his stomach, like the people referred to in Malachi 2:3, which says, “I will spread dung on your face - the dung of your feasts.” The Sages explained that this refers to people who party every day as if it were their last. This is considered food of the wicked, about which Isaiah 28:8 says, “All tables are full of vomit and filth; there is no clean place.” A wise person, on the other hand, only eats one or two dishes. He eats just enough to sustain him, and he finds that to be sufficient. Regarding such a person, Proverbs 13:25 says, “The righteous eats to satisfy his soul.”