59. Bathroom Habits

Deios 4:13

A person should choose a diet that makes his bowels looser because the alternative is far worse. A good diet for a younger person to achieve this goal if constipated includes fish oil, salt without bread, spinach water and cabbage water. An older person should drink honey diluted with hot water in the morning, then eat his meal about four hours later. One should do this for one day or several until he achieves the desired result.

Deios 4:14

The Sages stated a principle regarding our physical well-being: So long as a person exercises and exerts himself, does not stuff himself when he eats and keeps his bowels loose, he will grow in strength and not suffer illnesses. This is true even if he eats foods that are otherwise not recommended.

Editor’s note: The Rambam lived in the 12th century and his medical advice incorporates the best knowledge of his day. Consult your rabbi with any questions involving practical application of these halachos.