58. Fruit

Deios 4:11

A person should avoid fruit, not eating them at all, not even when they have been dried. When fruit is not yet ripe, it is as harmful to the body as a sword. Carob should also be avoided. Pickled fruits are harmful and should only be eaten in small amounts in the summer in a hot climate. Figs, grapes and almonds are good, both fresh and dried, so one may eat as much of these as he likes. Nevertheless, one should still not eat these constantly.

Deios 4:12

Honey and wine are harmful for younger people but beneficial for older people. This is all the more the case in the winter. In the summer, one should eat two-thirds as much as he eats in the winter.

Editor’s note: The Rambam lived in the 12th century and his medical advice incorporates the best knowledge of his day. Consult your rabbi with any questions involving practical application of these halachos.