45. Moderation

Deios 1:2

Each character trait may have contrasting extremes but there also a variety of distinct moderate points. A person has some of these traits inherently, from conception. Some traits are conducive to one’s personality, so one will acquire these rather easily. Other traits are learned from others or are things that one acquires on his own. This may come about because of one’s thoughts or because he heard that a particular trait would be good for him to cultivate, so he worked on himself until he acquired it.

Deios 1:3

The two extremes of each trait do not represent a good path for a person to follow. A person should not act according to these extremes, nor should he train himself in them. If one discovers that his natural inclination is towards one of the extremes, or if he has acquired one of the extremes, he should bring himself back to proper path, which is moderation. This is the straight path.