44. Character Traits

Yesodei HaTorah 10:5

When a prophet tells us that another person is also a prophet, we accept his word without having to test the second person. Therefore, when Moses announced that Joshua was a prophet, all the Jews accepted this even before Joshua performed any wonders. This is also true for subsequent generations. Once a prophet has made himself known as such and his words have proven true, or once a recognized prophet has identified someone as a prophet, it is prohibited to doubt this person or to dispute the truth of his prophecy so long as he continues in the path of prophecy.

It is prohibited to test a prophet excessively. We may not test him ad infinitum as per Deuteronomy 6:15, “Do not test Hashem your God, as you tested Him in Marah.” This was when the Jews questioned “Is God among us or not?” (Exodus 17:7). Rather, once a person has been recognized as a prophet, we should accept him and know that God is among us. We may not doubt or question him as implied per Ezekiel 2:5, “They will know that there has been a prophet among them.”

Deios 1:1

Every human being possesses many character traits. Each trait is different and distinct from the others. Some people are constantly angry. Others are very calm and never get angry, or they only get a little angry, and even that very infrequently. Some people are very egotistical, while others are exceedingly humble. Some people are ruled by their desires and are never satisfied, while others barely desire even the little that the body actually requires. Some people are greedy and they could not be satisfied by all the money in the world as per Koheles 5:9, “One who loves money never has enough money.” Others are satisfied even with very little, which is not even enough for his needs, so he doesn’t bother to pursue more. There are misers who will starve themselves and hoard their possessions. When such a person must spend a penny of his own money, it causes him great pain. Others spend very easily and intentionally squander their money. All the other traits follow this same pattern. Some people are extremely lighthearted, others are gloomy; some are stingy, others are generous; some are cruel and others are softhearted; some are timid and others are bold; etc.